Let yourself drift back through Fort Worth's past by spending the weekend at Miss Molly's Hotel. Within "shoutin" distance of the Dallas--Fort Worth Metropolitan Area, it's still an escape from the fast paced outside world. You won't find telephones or television sets cluttering your room. Miss Molly's, built about 1910, is located above the Star Café in the midst of Fort Worth's Stockyards in the north end of town. The former brothel gives visitors an authentic look at the city's somewhat raucous and rowdy past. A sign outside one of the rooms says: "Street ladies bringing in sailors must pay for room in advance." Walking through the seven bedrooms is like spending time in a museum. All have turn-of-the-century décor and antiques. Every room reflects parts of Forth Worth's colorful history. Some rooms feature cowboy and rodeo themes while others capture the oil and railroad days. A favorite room for guests is Miss Josie's Room, named after a former madam. The room was originally decorated in red velvet, but now has a fabric on the ceiling and lace covering everything from pillows to curtains.

109 West Exchange Avenue
Fort Worth TX 76164